Cairns VoIP

Call Now: 0406 51 61 61


About Us

Cairns VoIP is a locally owned and operated company. We strive to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations through consistent professional service and competitive prices. We use quality products including Yealink and Epygi.

At Cairns VoIP we focus on helping small businesses convert from conventional phone systems to VoIP technology inturn creating a more flexible, cost effective form of communication. Cairns VoIP understands in small business you need to save as much money as possible, yet need to have quality products you can rely on. We are here to help you through the transitions and offer individualised service and products depending on your needs and applications.

Why Choose Voice Over Internet Protocal? (VoIP)

Using VoIP in business can help save money on costly phone bills and allows for greater flexibility when it comes to communication.  VoIP allows you to merge various forms of communication into one. This means you can have phone calls, faxes, e-mail, web conferences, voicemail and more delivered to your mobile phone, iPad, laptop computer and more.
VoIP allows you to have access to your office no matter where you are or when you want to access it. With today’s small businesses we are striving to be more efficient and to keep up with our big business competitors. With VoIP you are more able to meet the demands of today’s customers.

Connect with us

Our address


Cairns VoIP, Cairns , Australia

Tel: 0406 51 61 61, Mail: